YukiTask TODO

Hiroshi Yuki / 結城浩

How to manage TODO in YukiTask.


TODO Tour / TODOひとめぐり

After setting up YukiTask, do as follows.


Create Project Directory / プロジェクトディレクトリの作成

[~] $ mkdir ~/sample
[~] $ cd ~/sample
[~/sample] $

Register Project / プロジェクトの登録

You can register the current directory as a new project with here command.


[~/sample] $ here sample
[~/sample] $ source ~/yukitask/here_aliases
[~/sample] $ cd ~
[~] $

Start Project / プロジェクトの開始

You can start your project with the project name as a command.


When you start your project, YukiTask shows your global TODO.

プロジェクトを開始すると、YukiTask はグローバルTODOを表示します。

[~] $ sample
This is your global TODO file.
Use 'TT' command to edit this file.
[~/sample] $

Edit Global TODO / グローバルTODOの編集

You can edit the global TODO with TT command.


[~/sample] $ TT
(Edit the global TODO file here as your like)
[~/sample] $ cat ~/yukitask/TODO
YukiTask is nice!
I must finish my book by next week...
[~/sample] $

Edit Project TODO / プロジェクトTODOの編集

You can edit the project TODO with T command.


Now, when you start your project, YukiTask shows your global TODO and the project TODO.

これで、プロジェクトを開始すると、YukiTask はグローバルTODOとプロジェクトTODOを表示するようになります。

[~/sample] $ T
(Edit the TODO file for this project as you like)
[~/sample] $ cat TODO
Next, I have to learn about makefile.
[~/sample] $ cd ~
[~] $ sample
YukiTask is nice!                       # This is the global TODO file.
I must finish my book by next week...
Next, I have to learn about makefile.   # This is the TODO for this project.

Next Step / 次のステップ